Oral and Poster Presentations
IWA DIPCON 2024 Logo/Banner for Oral/Poster Presentations - Please use this logo/banner for your oral/poster presentation
Oral presenter session
Oral presentation sessions will take place at the Impress Hotel, 2nd floor
Instruction for oral presentation
You are requested to upload your presentation file in your presenting room at least 1 hour before your presentation time. Your files will be completely removed after finishing the session. Both PDF and Microsoft power point files are recommended in case there are font-compatible problems.
• All regular presenters will have 12 minutes for lecture and 3 minutes for Q&A (i.e. 15 min total)
• Plenary/Keynote/Invited speakers will have 25 minutes for lecture and 5 minutes for Q&A (i.e. 30 min total)